Countries in Asia

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The flag of China has a red field. In the canton are five yellow five-pointed stars — a large star and four smaller stars arranged in a vertical arc on the fly side of the large star.


People's Republic of China

Population: 1,402,112,000

Area: 9,706,961km2

The flag of India is composed of three equal horizontal bands of saffron, white and green. A navy blue wheel with twenty-four spokes — the Ashoka Chakra — is centered in the white band.


Republic of India

Population: 1,380,004,385

Area: 3,287,590km2

The flag of Indonesia is composed of two equal horizontal bands of red and white.


Republic of Indonesia

Population: 273,523,621

Area: 1,904,569km2

The flag of Pakistan is composed of a white vertical band on its hoist side that takes up about one-fourth the width of the field and a dark green rectangular area that spans the rest of the field. A white fly-side facing crescent and five-pointed star are centered in the dark green area.


Islamic Republic of Pakistan

Population: 220,892,331

Area: 881,912km2

The flag of Bangladesh has a dark green field bearing a large red circle that is offset slightly towards the hoist side of center.


People's Republic of Bangladesh

Population: 164,689,383

Area: 147,570km2

The flag of Japan features a crimson-red circle at the center of a white field.



Population: 125,836,021

Area: 377,930km2

The flag of Philippines is composed of two equal horizontal bands of blue and red, with a white equilateral triangle superimposed on the hoist side of the field. This triangle has its base on the hoist end, spans about two-fifth the width of the field and bears a central golden-yellow sun with eight rays and a five-pointed golden-yellow star at each vertex.


Republic of the Philippines

Population: 109,581,085

Area: 342,353km2

The flag of Vietnam features a large five-pointed yellow star on a red field.


Socialist Republic of Vietnam

Population: 97,338,583

Area: 331,212km2

The flag of Turkey has a red field bearing a large fly-side facing white crescent and a smaller five-pointed white star placed just outside the crescent opening. The white crescent and star are offset slightly towards the hoist side of center.


Republic of Turkey

Population: 84,339,067

Area: 783,562km2

The flag of Iran is composed of three equal horizontal bands of green, white and red. A red emblem of Iran is centered in the white band and Arabic inscriptions in white span the bottom edge of the green band and the top edge of the red band.


Islamic Republic of Iran

Population: 83,992,953

Area: 1,648,195km2

The flag of Thailand is composed of five horizontal bands of red, white, blue, white and red, with the central blue band twice the height of the other four bands.


Kingdom of Thailand

Population: 69,799,978

Area: 513,120km2

The flag of Myanmar is composed of three equal horizontal bands of yellow, green and red, with a large five-pointed white star superimposed at the center of the field.


Republic of the Union of Myanmar

Population: 54,409,794

Area: 676,578km2

The flag of South Korea has a white field, at the center of which is a red and blue Taegeuk circle surrounded by four black trigrams, one in each corner.

South Korea

Republic of Korea

Population: 51,780,579

Area: 100,210km2

The flag of Iraq is composed of three equal horizontal bands of red, white and black. In the central white band are Arabic inscriptions in green.


Republic of Iraq

Population: 40,222,503

Area: 438,317km2

The flag of the Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan has a white field with Arabic inscriptions — the Shahada — in black across its center.


Islamic Republic of Afghanistan

Population: 40,218,234

Area: 652,230km2

The flag of Saudi Arabia has a green field, at the center of which is an Arabic inscription — the Shahada — in white above a white horizontal sabre with its tip pointed to the hoist side of the field.

Saudi Arabia

Kingdom of Saudi Arabia

Population: 34,813,867

Area: 2,149,690km2

The flag of Uzbekistan is composed of three equal horizontal bands of turquoise, white with red top and bottom edges, and green. On the hoist side of the turquoise band is a fly-side facing white crescent and twelve five-pointed white stars arranged just outside the crescent opening in three rows comprising three, four and five stars.


Republic of Uzbekistan

Population: 34,232,050

Area: 447,400km2

The flag of Malaysia is composed of fourteen equal horizontal bands of red alternating with white. A blue rectangle, bearing a fly-side facing yellow crescent and a fourteen-pointed yellow star placed just outside the crescent opening, is superimposed in the canton.



Population: 32,365,998

Area: 330,803km2

The flag of Yemen is composed of three equal horizontal bands of red, white and black.


Republic of Yemen

Population: 29,825,968

Area: 527,968km2

The flag of Nepal is the world's only non-quadrilateral flag of a sovereign country. It takes the shape of two adjoining right-angled triangles and has a crimson red field with deep blue edges. Within the smaller upper triangle is an emblem of the upper half of a white sun resting on an upward facing white crescent. The lower triangle bears a white sun with twelve rays.


Federal Democratic Republic of Nepal

Population: 29,136,808

Area: 147,181km2

The flag of North Korea is composed of three horizontal bands — a large central white-edged red band, and a blue band above and beneath the red band. On the hoist side of the red band is a red five-pointed star within a white circle.

North Korea

Democratic People's Republic of Korea

Population: 25,778,815

Area: 120,538km2


Republic of China (Taiwan)

Population: 23,503,349

Area: 36,193km2

The flag of Sri Lanka features two large adjacent but separate rectangular areas, centered on a golden-yellow field. The smaller hoist-side rectangle is divided into two equal vertical bands of teal and orange, and the larger fly-side rectangle is maroon with a centered golden-yellow lion holding a Kastane sword in its right fore-paw and four golden-yellow Bo leaves, one in each corner.

Sri Lanka

Democratic Socialist Republic of Sri Lanka

Population: 21,919,000

Area: 65,610km2

The flag of Kazakhstan has a turquoise field, at the center of which is a gold sun with thirty-two rays above a soaring golden steppe eagle. A thin vertical band displays a national ornamental pattern — koshkar-muiz — in gold near the hoist end.


Republic of Kazakhstan

Population: 18,754,440

Area: 2,724,900km2

The flag of Syria is composed of three equal horizontal bands of red, white and black. At the center of the white band are two small five-pointed green stars arranged in a horizontal line.


Syrian Arab Republic

Population: 17,500,657

Area: 185,180km2

The flag of Cambodia features three horizontal bands of blue, red and blue, with a white depiction of the temple complex, Angkor Wat centered in the red band.


Kingdom of Cambodia

Population: 16,718,971

Area: 181,035km2

The flag of Jordan is composed of three equal horizontal bands of black, white and green, with a red isosceles triangle superimposed on the hoist side of the field. This triangle has its base on the hoist end, spans about half the width of the field and bears a small seven-pointed white star at its center.


Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan

Population: 10,203,140

Area: 89,342km2

The flag of Azerbaijan features three equal horizontal bands of blue, red and green, with a white fly-side facing crescent and eight-pointed star centered in the red band.


Republic of Azerbaijan

Population: 10,110,116

Area: 86,600km2

The flag of United Arab Emirates features a red vertical band on its hoist side that takes up about one-fourth the width of the field and three equal horizontal bands of green, white and black adjoining the vertical band.

United Arab Emirates

United Arab Emirates

Population: 9,890,400

Area: 83,600km2

The flag of Tajikistan is composed of three horizontal bands of red, white and green in the ratio of 2:3:2. A golden-yellow crown surmounted by an arc of seven five-pointed golden-yellow stars is centered in the white band.


Republic of Tajikistan

Population: 9,537,642

Area: 143,100km2

The flag of Israel has a white field with a blue hexagram — the Magen David — centered between two equal horizontal blue bands situated near the top and bottom edges of the field.


State of Israel

Population: 9,216,900

Area: 20,770km2

Hong Kong

Hong Kong Special Administrative Region of the People's Republic of China

Population: 7,500,700

Area: 1,104km2

The flag of Laos is composed of three horizontal bands of red, blue and red. The blue band is twice the height of the red bands and bears a white circle at its center.


Lao People's Democratic Republic

Population: 7,275,556

Area: 236,800km2

The flag of Lebanon is composed of three horizontal bands of red, white and red. The white band is twice the height of the red bands and bears a green Lebanese Cedar tree at its center.


Lebanese Republic

Population: 6,825,442

Area: 10,452km2

The flag of Kyrgyzstan features a yellow sun with forty rays at the center of a red field. At the center of the sun is a stylized depiction of a tunduk.


Kyrgyz Republic

Population: 6,591,600

Area: 199,951km2

The flag of Turkmenistan has a green field. It features a red vertical band, bearing five carpet guls stacked above two crossed olive branches, near the hoist end of the field. Just to the fly side of the vertical band near the top edge of the field is a hoist-side facing white crescent and five small five-pointed white stars placed just outside the crescent opening.



Population: 6,031,187

Area: 488,100km2

The flag of Singapore is composed of two equal horizontal bands of red and white. On the hoist side of the red band is a fly-side facing white crescent which partially encloses five small five-pointed white stars arranged in the shape of a pentagon.


Republic of Singapore

Population: 5,685,807

Area: 710km2

The flag of Oman features a red vertical band on the hoist side that takes up about one-fourth the width of the field, and three equal horizontal bands of white, red and green adjoining the vertical band. At the top of the vertical band is the white emblem of Oman.


Sultanate of Oman

Population: 5,106,622

Area: 309,500km2


State of Palestine

Population: 4,803,269

Area: 6,220km2

The flag of Kuwait is composed of three equal horizontal bands of green, white and red, with a black trapezium superimposed on the hoist side of the field. This trapezium has its base on the hoist end and spans about one-fourth the width of the field.


State of Kuwait

Population: 4,270,563

Area: 17,818km2

The flag of Georgia has a white field with a large centered red cross that extends to the edges and divides the field into four quarters. A small red Bolnur-Katskhuri cross is centered in each quarter.



Population: 3,714,000

Area: 69,700km2

The flag of Mongolia is composed of three equal vertical bands of red, blue and red, with the national emblem — the Soyombo — in gold centered in the hoist-side red band.



Population: 3,278,292

Area: 1,564,110km2

The flag of Armenia is composed of three equal horizontal bands of red, blue and orange.


Republic of Armenia

Population: 2,963,234

Area: 29,743km2

The flag of Qatar has a maroon field, on the hoist side of which is a white vertical band that spans about one-third the width of the field and is separated from the rest of the field by nine adjoining fly-side pointing white isosceles triangles that serve as a serrated line.


State of Qatar

Population: 2,881,060

Area: 11,586km2

The flag of Bahrain has a red field. On the hoist side, it features a white vertical band that spans about one-third the width of the field and is separated from the rest of the field by five adjoining fly-side pointing white isosceles triangles that serve as a serrated line.


Kingdom of Bahrain

Population: 1,701,583

Area: 765km2

The flag of Timor-Leste has a red field with two isosceles triangles which share a common base on the hoist end. The smaller black triangle, which bears a five-pointed white star at its center and spans one-third the width of the field, is superimposed on the larger yellow triangle that extends to the center of the field.


Democratic Republic of Timor-Leste

Population: 1,318,442

Area: 14,874km2

The flag of Bhutan is divided diagonally, from the lower hoist-side corner to the upper fly-side corner, into an upper yellow and a lower orange triangle. A fly-side facing white dragon holding four jewels in its claws is situated along the boundary of the two triangles.


Kingdom of Bhutan

Population: 771,612

Area: 38,394km2


Macao Special Administrative Region of the People's Republic of China

Population: 649,342

Area: 30km2

The flag of Maldives has a red field, at the center of which is a large green rectangle bearing a fly-side facing white crescent.


Republic of the Maldives

Population: 540,542

Area: 300km2

The flag of Brunei has a yellow field with two adjoining diagonal bands of white and black that extend from the upper hoist side of the field to the lower fly side. The red emblem of Brunei is centered on the field.


Nation of Brunei, Abode of Peace

Population: 437,483

Area: 5,765km2