

Countries in the Americas

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The flag of the United States of America is composed of thirteen equal horizontal bands of red alternating with white. A blue rectangle, bearing fifty small five-pointed white stars arranged in nine rows where rows of six stars alternate with rows of five stars, is superimposed in the canton.

United States

United States of America

Population: 329,484,123

Area: 9,372,610km2

The flag of Brazil has a green field with a large yellow rhombus in the center. Within the rhombus is a dark blue globe with twenty-seven small five-pointed white stars depicting a starry sky and a thin white convex horizontal band inscribed with the national motto 'Ordem e Progresso' across its center.


Federative Republic of Brazil

Population: 212,559,409

Area: 8,515,767km2

The flag of Mexico is composed of three equal vertical bands of green, white and red, with the national coat of arms centered in the white band.


United Mexican States

Population: 128,932,753

Area: 1,964,375km2

The flag of Colombia is composed of three horizontal bands of yellow, blue and red, with the yellow band twice the height of the other two bands.


Republic of Colombia

Population: 50,882,884

Area: 1,141,748km2

The flag of Argentina features three equal horizontal bands of light blue, white and light blue. A brown-edged golden sun is centered in the white band.


Argentine Republic

Population: 45,376,763

Area: 2,780,400km2

The flag of Canada is composed of a red vertical band on the hoist and fly sides and a central white square that is twice the width of the vertical bands. A large eleven-pointed red maple leaf is centered in the white square.



Population: 38,005,238

Area: 9,984,670km2

The flag of Peru is composed of three equal vertical bands of red, white and red, with the national emblem centered in the white band.


Republic of Peru

Population: 32,971,846

Area: 1,285,216km2

The flag of Venezuela is composed of three equal horizontal bands of yellow, blue and red. At the center of the blue band are eight five-pointed white stars arranged in a horizontal arc.


Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela

Population: 28,435,943

Area: 916,445km2

The flag of Chile is composed of two equal horizontal bands of white and red, with a blue square of the same height as the white band superimposed in the canton. A white five-pointed star is centered in the blue square.


Republic of Chile

Population: 19,116,209

Area: 756,102km2

The flag of Ecuador is composed of the horizontal bands of yellow, blue and red, with the yellow band twice the height of the other two bands. The Ecuadorian coat of arms is superimposed in the center of the field.


Republic of Ecuador

Population: 17,643,060

Area: 276,841km2

The flag of Guatemala is composed of three equal vertical bands of light blue, white and light blue, with the national coat of arms centered in the white band.


Republic of Guatemala

Population: 16,858,333

Area: 108,889km2

The flag of Bolivia is composed of three equal horizontal bands of red, yellow and green, with the national coat of arms centered in the yellow band.


Plurinational State of Bolivia

Population: 11,673,029

Area: 1,098,581km2

The flag of Haiti is composed of two equal horizontal bands of blue and red. A white square bearing the national coat of arms is superimposed at the center of the field.


Republic of Haiti

Population: 11,402,533

Area: 27,750km2

The flag of Cuba is composed of five equal horizontal bands of blue alternating with white and a red equilateral triangle superimposed on the hoist side of the field. The triangle has its base on the hoist end, spans about two-fifth the width of the field and bears a white five-pointed star at its center.


Republic of Cuba

Population: 11,326,616

Area: 109,884km2

The flag of the Dominican Republic is divided into four rectangles by a centered white cross that extends to the edges of the field and bears the national coat of arms in its center. The upper hoist-side and lower fly-side rectangles are blue and the lower hoist-side and upper fly-side rectangles are red.

Dominican Republic

Dominican Republic

Population: 10,847,904

Area: 48,671km2

The flag of Honduras is composed of three equal horizontal bands of turquoise, white and turquoise, with five small five-pointed turquoise stars arranged in a quincuncial pattern at the center of the white band.


Republic of Honduras

Population: 9,904,608

Area: 112,492km2

The flag of Paraguay features three equal horizontal bands of red, white and blue, with an emblem centered in the white band. On the obverse side of the flag depicted, this emblem is the national coat of arms.


Republic of Paraguay

Population: 7,132,530

Area: 406,752km2

The flag of Nicaragua is composed of three equal horizontal bands of blue, white and blue, with the national coat of arms centered in the white band.


Republic of Nicaragua

Population: 6,624,554

Area: 130,373km2

The flag of El Salvador is composed of three equal horizontal bands of cobalt blue, white and cobalt blue, with the national coat of arms centered in the white band.

El Salvador

Republic of El Salvador

Population: 6,486,201

Area: 21,041km2

The flag of Costa Rica is composed of five horizontal bands of blue, white, red, white and blue. The central red band is twice the height of the other four bands.

Costa Rica

Republic of Costa Rica

Population: 5,094,114

Area: 51,100km2

The flag of Panama is composed of four equal rectangular areas — a white rectangular area with a blue five-pointed star at its center, a red rectangular area, a white rectangular area with a red five-pointed star at its center, and a blue rectangular area — in the upper hoist side, upper fly side, lower fly side and lower hoist side respectively.


Republic of Panama

Population: 4,314,768

Area: 75,417km2

The flag of Uruguay is composed of nine equal horizontal bands of white alternating with blue, with a white square superimposed in the canton. In the white square is a yellow sun bearing a human face — the Sun of May — from which sixteen rays extend. The sun's rays alternate between triangular and wavy.


Oriental Republic of Uruguay

Population: 3,473,727

Area: 181,034km2

Puerto Rico

Commonwealth of Puerto Rico

Population: 3,194,034

Area: 8,870km2

The flag of Jamaica is divided by a gold diagonal cross into four alternating triangular areas of green at the top and bottom, and black on the hoist and fly sides



Population: 2,961,161

Area: 10,991km2

The flag of Trinidad and Tobago has a red field with a white-edged black diagonal band that extends from the upper hoist-side corner to the lower fly-side corner of the field.

Trinidad and Tobago

Republic of Trinidad and Tobago

Population: 1,399,491

Area: 5,130km2

The flag of Guyana has a green field with two isosceles triangles which share a common base on the hoist end. The smaller black-edged red triangle spanning half the width of the field is superimposed on the larger white-edged yellow triangle which spans the full width of the field.


Co-operative Republic of Guyana

Population: 786,559

Area: 214,969km2

The flag of Suriname is composed of five horizontal bands of green, white, red, white and green in the ratio of 2:1:4:1:2. A large five-pointed yellow star is centered in the red band.


Republic of Suriname

Population: 586,634

Area: 163,820km2



Population: 400,132

Area: 1,628km2

The flag of Belize has a royal blue field with a thin red horizontal band at the top and bottom of the field and the national coat of arms in the center.



Population: 397,621

Area: 22,966km2

The flag of the Bahamas is composed of three equal horizontal bands of aquamarine, yellow and aquamarine, with a black equilateral triangle superimposed on the hoist side of the field. This triangle has its base on the hoist end and spans about one-third the width of the field.


Commonwealth of the Bahamas

Population: 393,248

Area: 13,943km2



Population: 378,243

Area: 1,128km2

The flag of Barbados is composed of three equal vertical bands of ultramarine, gold and ultramarine. The head of a black trident is centered in the gold band.



Population: 287,371

Area: 430km2

French Guiana


Population: 254,541

Area: 83,534km2

The flag of Saint Lucia has a light blue field, at the center of which are two triangles which share a common base — a small golden-yellow isosceles triangle superimposed on a large white-edged black isosceles triangle.

Saint Lucia

Saint Lucia

Population: 183,629

Area: 616km2


Country of Curaçao

Population: 155,014

Area: 444km2

The flag of Grenada features a large central rectangular area surrounded by a red border, with three five-pointed yellow stars centered on the top and bottom borders. The central rectangle is divided diagonally into four alternating triangular areas of yellow at the top and bottom and green on the hoist and fly sides, and a five-pointed yellow star on a red circle is superimposed at its center. A symbolic nutmeg pod is situated on the green hoist-side triangle.



Population: 112,519

Area: 344km2

The flag of Saint Vincent and the Grenadines is composed of three vertical bands of blue, gold and green. The gold band is twice as wide as the other two bands and bears three green diamonds arranged to form the letter V at its center.

Saint Vincent and the Grenadines

Saint Vincent and the Grenadines

Population: 110,947

Area: 389km2



Population: 106,766

Area: 180km2

United States Virgin Islands

Virgin Islands of the United States

Population: 106,290

Area: 347km2

The flag of Antigua and Barbuda has a red field with an inverted isosceles triangle based on the top edge and spanning the height of the field. This triangle has three horizontal bands of black, light blue and white, with the light blue band half the height of the two other bands. The top half of a golden-yellow sun is situated in the lower two-third of the black band to depict a rising sun.

Antigua and Barbuda

Antigua and Barbuda

Population: 97,928

Area: 442km2

The flag of Dominica has a green field with a large centered tricolor cross. The vertical and horizontal parts of the cross each comprise three bands of yellow, black and white. A red circle, bearing a hoist-side facing purple Sisserou parrot standing on a twig and encircled by ten five-pointed yellow-edged green stars, is superimposed at the center of the cross.


Commonwealth of Dominica

Population: 71,991

Area: 751km2

Cayman Islands

Cayman Islands

Population: 65,720

Area: 264km2



Population: 63,903

Area: 54km2



Population: 56,367

Area: 2,166,086km2

The flag of Saint Kitts and Nevis features two large five-pointed white stars within a yellow-edged black diagonal band that extends from the lower hoist-side corner to the upper fly-side corner of the field. Above and beneath this band are a green and red triangle respectively.

Saint Kitts and Nevis

Federation of Saint Christopher and Nevis

Population: 53,192

Area: 261km2

Sint Maarten

Sint Maarten

Population: 40,812

Area: 34km2

Turks and Caicos Islands

Turks and Caicos Islands

Population: 38,718

Area: 948km2

Saint Martin

Saint Martin

Population: 38,659

Area: 53km2

British Virgin Islands

Virgin Islands

Population: 30,237

Area: 151km2

Caribbean Netherlands

Bonaire, Sint Eustatius and Saba

Population: 25,987

Area: 328km2



Population: 13,452

Area: 91km2

Saint Pierre and Miquelon

Saint Pierre and Miquelon

Population: 6,069

Area: 242km2



Population: 4,922

Area: 102km2

Saint Barthélemy

Collectivity of Saint Barthélemy

Population: 4,255

Area: 21km2

Falkland Islands

Falkland Islands

Population: 2,563

Area: 12,173km2

United States Minor Outlying Islands

United States Minor Outlying Islands

Population: 300

Area: 34.2km2